Tuesday, July 29, 2008

... more angel wings on our sneakers this past weekend...

~ more race photos here!~
What a great race day… the weather was on our side… very cool just perfect for July…thank you TriSportMedia for another great day out … Jenny and Mike for always welcoming me at the race….to Darlene and Mike who ran again with me.. It was their first 10k race.. Mike took off and was headed back before we even got to the hair pin turn.. You go Mike.. You are faster then you think!!! Darlene was up all night on her feet as an ICU nurse at Saint Frances… she left her 7 to 7 shift and headed right out to the road race….and kept up a good pace all the way to the finish line.. Way to goooooooo DARR!! You DID IT and deserve a nap!!!! Also my sister inlaw Tina.. (brothers wife) tackled her first 10K race… she kept me on pace all the way … stopping to tie her shoe and got back on track… so proud of you Tina.. she is a treadmill runner and surprised herself by finishing a road race… a couple weeks ago she did the Red Dress Race 5K and kicked it up a notch with the 10K this past weekend! Woo Woo!.. Thanks you guys for running with Dave with me! I know he would have been proud knowing I have some good friends & family to run with.. Thanks you guys I can always count on you!!! My brother Kevin was our personal team photographer and babysitter… thanks for entertaining the kids while we ran…. Work on that 5Kevin!! It will be here before you know it!.. Lots of angel wings on our sneakers today.. !!! I love you Dave and missed you again today!…

1 comment:

  1. awesome, awesome, awesome!!! way to go, girl!!! you need to make a quilt from all these race t-shirts you are scoring!! thought of you when i read Nic's blog today ... go read it -- it will make you smile!


    luv ya,
    Whit :)
