Saturday, July 12, 2008

...he was c lose in our heart today!!

WOW… what a beautiful day and a fabulous turn out! A huge THANK YOU to all of you that showed up to run for Dave!… We had quite a few friends today... & new ones too!.. some neighbors…TriSport media friends… the Davis family and co workers from United Heath care.. It meant a lot to me that you all took a Saturday morning and spent it running with love for Dave! He was pinned close to our heart (you are so much missed!) The boys got on TV channel 30 6 o’clock news and will also appear in a pamphlet. A lot of people asked about our shirts and shared their sympathy with us.. Thank you! Madison finished 2nd place for age 9 and under and won herself a beautiful heart necklace! We met Chicken nugget and Ronald McDonald!… …all and all… a really great time spent in Elizabeth park among the beautiful flowers and tents filled with goodies! …again… all our sneakers had angel wings today! Love you Dave… XOXO

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