Tuesday, July 8, 2008

...these 40 candles almost melted the ice cream cake...

...we wore a piece of daddy around our neck today.... he was close in our heart...

...we let 40 love notes go... daddy will get his mail soon...

...later we hit the beach... daddys favorite past time...

...we brought daddys beach chair... and we thought about him all day long...
...kids had a blast with thier old buddies....
...we ran into PaPa Gary, Jordan, Colby and Raven... a mini reunion of friends from our old neighborhood...Dave would of loved to have seen all of you!...

Happy 40th Dave...I LOVE YOU!!!~ Michele

1 comment:

  1. This is just the perfect way to honor Dave on his birthday. What priceless moments you shared...
    xoxoxox, Meg
