Thursday, June 19, 2008

my GRADUATES! ...2008

Carson wore a very special shirt I made for him. I cut a tie out of Dave’s dress shirt and sewed it on a tee shirt.. Added the words on the back that read,

“When I grow up, I want to be just like my Dad!“

…Carson was thrilled to wear a piece of Daddy and was excited to use his briefcase and cell phone!

Yesterday was a very special day for two of my kids.. Chase and Carson graduated, Chase from 5th Grade and Carson from Pre school. It was difficult to be in two places at once…but I managed to see both and get to two different schools in time for some pictures. It was sad for me as their mom and some what of a difficult day as you can only imagine…attending this without Dave. A very important milestone in my children’s lives without their Dad being there was very challenging, but we all got through it. Chase's school put on a very nice picnic lunch with hot dogs and burgers, DJ and a talent show... the kids signed the year books and had a great time!


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