Dear Daddy,
...today was my first day at kindergarten... mommy took me to school.. but as you know we had alot of photos taken before hand... i made a new friend named Devon...so cool he has my middle name.. how about that! i have a really nice teacher Ms Pitino ....(another Ms P.. wow!)... and Morgan is in my class...but she sits at the other table... we got our own crayons and pencils but we cant use pens yet.. i colored a picture for you, i hope you like it?... We have snack time and my favorite still is cheetoes and chocolate milk. mom did buy me some spongebob cheese crackers those are good too.. I love recess and running around... i think the bus ride home is really fun. i missed you today daddy just like i did yesterday... and like i do today... i love you....
~crazy Carson xoxoxo
Back to school already.. Carson couldn’t wait to go.. He woke and and first thing he said was MAaa.. YOU CAN TAKE ME TO SCHOOL NOW..! His shirt was half on… socks in hand…bed head… no breakfast and stumbling down the stairs…. And it was way to early to go yet…. So that was something to chuckle about and and eased up on my stress of this whole day with out Dave. Getting the kids off to school wasn’t as bad as I anticipated and seeing the kids do just fine was a sign that today was going to be a good day.. I had the camera rolling…and met up with Morgan our neighbors little girl and took some photos….they all were so excited.. I remember the first day of school always made butterflies in my stomach… and Chase left early, this year he goes about a half hour before the other kids( ...he had quite a few himself…) now that he is in middle school… But was good to go after he left the house….. Madison was the SCHOOL tour guide and made sure her little brother and Morgan got directed down the correct hallway to the Kindergarten wing..…. All an all a great day… the kids love school and that is all that matters! ..one less thing to worry about!! But we did miss Daddy and his pancake breakfast! we LOVE YOU!! XOXOXOX
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