Friday, August 22, 2008

....some things to be thankful for....

I have a little gratitude to share with you .. Ive been wanting to post this for awhile and today the sun is out... and it’s a pleasant day… I tear up when I write because it’s the little things that get me to smile and the thought of someone else feeling for you and wanting to help the pain go away and wondering how you are doing… and knowing im in their thoughts and prayers is a wonderful thing! …. By chance and a gift from Dave I truly believe…. I met a wonderful person on Fathers Day.. It wasn’t until a week later we officially met.. But it’s a great story ill always hold close and if it wasn’t for the bib of Dave on our race shirts that day I wouldn’t of met such a truly kind mom of 2 sweet little girls ….. friends-of-dave is traveling and Im so thankful for the blessings that have come my way because of it… so Thank you Kim!… for one of many smiles that you have shown me.. And the laughs that we share…and thank you for several more we will have in the future… you are a very special person.. THANK YOU!….. xoxo

Kim kept this angel in her pocket on and off for about 15 years… someone special gave it to her when she lost a dear friend…
… I was told this rock angel fits perfectly in the palm of my hand… (which it does) I was told she always found comfort with it and now its been passed down to me because I need it more (thank you!) … and I was told to pass some of her burden to her and hold her tight! (which I am)
… I feel strength and better days because of it.. THANK YOU! xoxoxo

Also.. One of the many items Kim has sent my way.. Is this card made by her two little girls of healing hands. There is a lot of energy in that picture and was so worth framing! My kids hold up their palms to her little girls hands and it’s a powerful thing…. Thank you girls for making our days a bit brighter ... xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Michele~
    Here I am blubbering is such an angel to carry the "burden" of the most special of people. You are one in a million girl...and things happen for a reason. Your paths crossed and she came into your life as an angel of Dave's to let you know that things will be okay. I think about you all the time mama!! Know that I love ya!!

