Monday, September 28, 2009

2009 Southbury Fall Classic 10k 9.27.09 *PRETTY in PINK*.. all for Nancy Lovetere

Mark Stone . Michele Yurgaitis . Derek Yurgaitis . Debbie Day . Maria Yurgaitis . Lissa Lovetere Stone

(click for bigger image)

peace man.... Michele & Maria...

To all of you who didn’t know Nancy... she was a beautiful person who had a natural gift to make you smile… wether it was a running story she shared with us or her presence of pure beauty that caught your eye....she was always a breath of fresh air… is a woman in her 60’s that kept running daily and had a lot more life to live…. her sudden death was a tragic loss but her spirit will certainly live on with all who have entered her life… ….in loving memory of Nancy aka: NANNY was the Southbury Fall Classic 10k dedicated to her. PRETTY IN PINK… we hope you could spot us from above as we ran in your path… wearing her favorite color PINK!…. Even you would of gotten a kick out of the boys... who wore it well!!… we love and miss you Nanny… send our love to your new running partner Dave … I’m sure you two had your own race... as well as guiding us all to the finish line.. rain and all..tear drops from heaven... LOVE and MISS you both!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Mark & Derek!!

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Debbie . Maria . Lissa . Doc Lovetere . Michele


  1. Beautiful words Michele! I finally made it to the blog! I enjoyed our time together yesterday, rain and all!

  2. Greetings : )
    Buying things on the internet or in-store? which usually do you like? just wondering lol.. i favor in-store since i hate waiting for it to arrive!

  3. [url=]SYDaufwk[/url] - RaLnvxk -
