Friday, August 28, 2009

CAPE COD 6th 7th 8th Lacilla*Yurgaitis*Morande family

michele yurgaitis chase madison carson/ bill morande matthew grace david /kevin and kari lacilla brooke madison luke /todd and dee sydney

(now that's alot of kids all in one spot!!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi : )
    Why do men and women (society in general) still pre-judge people who have body art. girls commonly?
    I am a 26 year old F, have 10 tattoos, lots of which can not be spotted on my daily travels. Five To Six during the summer are pretty much constantly on display. I don't strive for attention and i also have a loving boyfriend WITH NO TATTOOS .I get the impression that numerous people think that tattooed persons are blind, once we get stared at, even when we return a glance people continue looking. When will society improve?
