Friday, August 28, 2009

CAPE COD 6th 7th 8th Lacilla*Yurgaitis*Morande family

michele yurgaitis chase madison carson/ bill morande matthew grace david /kevin and kari lacilla brooke madison luke /todd and dee sydney

(now that's alot of kids all in one spot!!)

HERSHEY PARK...road trip Penn...8.21-23rd 2009

...we always have a blast with this family! ...thanks Anthony and the girls for having us be apart of your summer vacation!

ZIPPPPPPP-ing! .....Lincoln NH 7.11.09

michele . chase . madison . carson . Anthony . ileana . corrina . anya

WESTBROOK conn. at the beach with old friends! 6.29.09

carson . jordan . madison . PaPa gary . colby . ethan . chase

...friends from our old neighborhood in Enfield... every year Dave and I would take the kids and spend the day hanging out with Pappa Gary - MaMa Leah and the kids at their beach house!
good times and lots of catching up to do!! xoxoxo

missing from photo is Shari and mama leah!

Baja 5000 max FISH road race Glastonbury CT 5.3.09

kevin . michele . joyce

2009 Litchfield Hills Road Race 6.14.2009

kevin . tina . joyce . michele . lissa . maria . derek.
cousin GRIFFIN!!!

...we are FAMOUS! Derek , me and Maria made the 2009 Litchfield Hills Road race photo book! Last years photo of the 3 of us crossing the finish line with Dave photo on our shirts! gooo Dave... still getting your GOOD LOOKING mug shot in "INK"!!! XOXOXOXO


(race story coming soon!)

summer photo shoots...

(click photo's for larger images)

. madison .

2009 Atlanta Peachtree Road Race 10k 7.4.09

michele . dan . whitney

...i was part of the 17 runners from Connecticut who ran that day.... over 55 thousand in total...

(click for larger image)

...complete race story coming soon!...

X-TREME SCRAMBLE #2 Hartford 5k 7.30.09

michele . joyce . maria

...what a great night for a run! perfect weather and fabulous trail run.... ! Dave was certainly with us in spirit this run.. as i was looking for a sign... i looked up to see the UNITED HEALTH CARE building along the path close to the end... that was Dave telling me to kick it up a notch... to the finish line i go sucking wind!...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

2009 X-TREME SCRAMBLE #3 Hartford 5k 8.27.09

michele . joyce . madison

...we had Madison run with us this time...!! way to go GIRL!!! GREAT JOB for a 10year old!! Daddy is so proud of you!!

gooooo JOYCE with a 20+ finish!!
well.. my time???.. we wont talk about it!! lets just say... Madison kicked my butt and surely Dave was telling me to go go go!! :0)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

in loving memory of: Nancy Lovetere...God took her home today...

Nancy Lovetere
2.3.44 - 8.16.09

Today we are saddened and shocked to learn of the passing of a wonderful family friend ..Nancy Lovetere... she died suddenly and unexpectedly at Saint Marys hospital Waterbury. Please keep your thoughts and prayers with her entire family as they will have a tough road ahead of them. She will be missed.

Monday, August 10, 2009

baby DAVIS!... im an AUNTIE!

UPDATE: 9.4.09 home with my cousins!

UPDATE: 8.27.09

im a cutie pie!!!

...i came home on friday august 21!... 11 days in ICU was enough!! doing so well and gaining weight!!

...a few days before i came home.... chilling out in my crib!! see no more tubes in my nose!


5lbs 2 oz 17 inches
born 8.10.09 @ 8:10 pm
(how about that!)

UPDATE: 8.13.09

GOOD NEWS!... this little guy is a TROOPER! i don't know all the logistics about technical terms and such... and tests and all... but this little guy is doing fantastic and responding to all that is being done to him! my brother called last night to tell me that Tina finally got to hold and feed him for the very first time!... the large tube is also out of the nose and replaced with a small one! ...he graduated to having a stuffed animal in his bed and finally a little blanket to snuggle him!

...thank you to all of you who thought about this little miracle!

.... just got word an hour ago that i am a new auntie!! my brother Kevin and sister inlaw gave birth to a preemie!! Baby Davis is just about 5lbs and a month early!! he is hanging in there!! please say a lil' prayer for this little guy!! heading up to Baystate ICU in the am to see my nephew!!