Thursday, June 25, 2009

6.21.09 Happy Uncles Day and FATHERS DAY!!!

Thats our uncle Billy!! (MY BROTHER) or Uncle Belly!...also known aka: MANNY! (the male version of a NANNY!) My brother Billy has become a fixture here at our home helping out with the kids ... running them to birthday parties... Tball and any other event Billy is assigned too! The kids look forward to him being around and always ask is Uncle Billy sleeping over tonight! I know Dave would be proud of how much time and effort Billy has put into the lives of my children.. The kids as well as myself is comforting to know Billy is always there to help out in any way... and even calls to remind me that Mondays are garbage night!!!! Billy is a good guy... and we are happy and thankful we have him around!!! THANKS BILLY!!! XOXOXOXO

Today was yet another mile stone for Carson... he lost his first tooth on Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Love your post about Uncle Billy. What a wonderful guy he is and a great support for you and the kids!
